Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Back To School Time At Our House

Well we started the old school engine back up yesterday, geting back up and running is always a slow process in our house but we'll get there : )
It sure was nice taking time off from EVERTHING! We didn't do much but just the time away from thinking about schooling was nice enough. I did some reading, I devoured the "Fifty Shades Of Grey" books. I REALLY enjoyed them : ) So needless to say I am now on an erotic romance kick and need some new suggestions, if you have any please fill me in on them. Kelly went to the movies and saw that Batman movie, she went with a girlfriend she meet on that dam game, "World of Warcraft". Heck it was a bit strange having her meet up with someone she had never meet in person before but I figured the movies was the best place for that kinda thing. They had a great time and I am pushing for them to go bowling or to the movies again real soon.
I was away from your blogs for awhile and have missed SOOOOOO much, I will be getting caught back up with you all real soon : )
Until Next Time - God Bless!!

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