Thursday, October 4, 2007

One good thing / One bad thing.....

It is funny how things seem to be working here - When one things goes right another one goes wrong!
I started a unit study on Presidents and becoming a President via I bought the workbook "How to be President of the USA", I have a number of books already on the different Presidents that we can look through. It started out a bit slow - Kelly was feeling a bit mixed up about the different political parties. I didn't really want to go into it to deeply at this point. I asked her the President Quiz questions from the workbook and she did great.... We then moved over to the computer and watched "So you want to be President?" on United Streaming (I have recently found out that our school distric subscribes to it so we homeschoolers can use it too - Yea! If you haven't checked it our take a peek it, it looks great: ) Kelly actually watched it and seemed to be interested in it : ) I then went to print out a few work sheets and would you belive the printer is broken!!!!!! I love my printer I use it all the time for so many things, It really is needed for homeschooling. I was so depressed since money is so tight here not sure when I will be able to get another one : (

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I get home, i will look up a blog that is giving away a printer. I will let you know!!