Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Scary Day Yesterday!

Sometimes something happens and it just brings you back to reality.

We had one of those days yesterday - My daughter went out to feed the goats and came running in, saying "Fire"! My heart jumped into my throat, It is so dry here in Florida that any fire is a major concern... Sure enough a large fire was buring pretty close by to our house. Even though living in Florida we feel we are pretty prepared for anything, When a fire pops up it catches you so off guard. I scrabbled around trying to remember what I need to take if we had to evacuate. You should have seen me ripping through the closets getting my families photo albums (I still have them in the plastic tubs from when we evacuated to Alabama for one of those past hurricanes). I was a wreak and almost in tears, I talked a number of times to the people at the non- emergency phone number, To be honest they were of no help. Being that I have a ton of animals (especially the horse) I need to have a little idea if or when we would need to leave.

Anyway, I hardly slept last night, but the fire seems to be "contained" this morning - Just think the hurricane season is only like two weeks away!!!!!
Special Note: When Kelly was running around packing her backpack with things she wanted to take just in case - I noticed that not one of the new school books were packed : (

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