It was chilly here in Florida the past fews nights, a sure sign we are heading into the later part of the year.... I soooooo enjoy the cooler weather!
Would you belive I am STILL working on Kelly's transcript for last year!!!! I sent a copy in to the gal who handles the paper work for our unbrella school and she said it needed more.... she wants to meet with me to fix it - Yikes! I am using a regular notebook to keep track of everything we do this year, but still feel I don't really have a handle on what is required for the transcript : (
Other then that school is going very well still - Kelly actually for the second time woke me up from a nap and said we best get to the schooling.... I think the whole key for Kelly is to keep it short and sweet. She remembers a whole lot more that way, once we go into to much detail her eyes glaze over and the she seems to zone out. Adding the "Special Interest" section to the school day has helped too.
On the home front things are not going very well..... My son's mustang broke down (it may be the head gasket or engine) costing in the $850.00 range which he does not have sooooo he has been using my jeep. My car has 250,000 miles on her and I baby her so I am so afraid all this extra driving will ruin her. My husband also is still not working, that has really been tough again especially since out electric bills each month have been $367.00 last month and this month $400.00!!!!!! Something is drastically wrong with our airconditoner but we can't afford to have someone come out and look at it and it had been way too hot in the house to not run it..... but now that the cooler weather has come that baby has been SHUT OFF!