Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What A Difference A Day Makes....

It is over cast and looks like rain here today : (
Kelly & I worked on school outside yesterday, It was just so lovely out I hated to pass it up. I pulled an old end table type thing over to the area we were working at for a desk, It worked out okay. She did some worksheets on Germany, Read from History Of Us book & went over the topics from her reading book "Hitty" which also included drawing animals more realistically, then we went inside and watched the Joan Of Arc dvd. After that Kelly worked the horses out for awhile which they needed so I guess I can figure that as PE.
Now today, I have work planned which includes the Calculation Capers math book which we just got in the mail yesterday. We also have a Beethoven dvd to watch - he is listed under our important Germans to learn about (there sure are alot of artistic people that are Germans...). We also have a few other topics to cover - Hopefully we will get to them today.
Have A Great Day!

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