Another Fire....
This morning at 2:45am one of my dogs started barking so I got up to quiet him since the police showed up July 4th night about us causing a disturbance I didn't want any more visits from the cops. Benny stopped and then started again so I kinda thought something must be going on. My husband said the house is shaking and went outside to see if maybe the horses where using the side of the house as a scratching post again. As soon as he opened the door he yelled major fire... I ran to get Kelly up and then grabbed the cell phone and ran outside. My next door neighbors mobile home was totally ingulfed in fire! The wonderful neighbors who came to help us with our horses & dogs in the Dec. fire that came so close to taking our house were already there. They had heard the explosion of the propane tanks and shot over. While we were standing the gas kept coming out of the tank and the fire would roar up so high and be so loud it was scarry. Thank God we had had some rain because otherwize this fire would have raced right over towards our house (they have pine trees with lots of pine needles laying around). No one has lived in the house for awhile now and someone said that it is in forclosure. Not sure what caused the fire, the police at the scene didn't ask any questions so not sure if it was set or maybe an animal ate the wires. I just hope that someone isn't torching these empty houses because we have a number of them in our area (things have still not picked up in our part of Florida). My husband has been without work for the past week sure hope they find work for him next week.Fire is just so scary! It moves so fast and it can take everything from you in minutes.... there is nothing left to my nighbors home only the metal under the home that has the wheels on it, everthing else is gone : (
Oh, no! I am glad that your house was not affected. I am so sorry to hear of the loss, however. Yes, things can happen so quickly that you don't expect. :)
Oh my goodness! That is just so scary! I am so glad to hear that all is well with your home and you are all safe.
Thank goodness you are all safe! How scary!!
As frustrating as my dogs can be at times (my older one is getting incontinent) I cannot imagine life without them. I bet he got a extra special treat for taking such good care of his family! Glad you are safe.
Thank you all for your comments, I really appreciate them. You all are the best blogging buddies ever : )
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