Friday, August 29, 2008

~*What We Are Working On*~

Since I am already feeling off course I wanted to post about what we are working on:

First we start with reading from the Bible:

Then she can pick which subject we do next as long as the schedule topics for that day get covered:

History Books:

History Reading For The Civil War (First Four Weeks):



Spelling / Writing:

Nature Study:

Presidents & States:




Music: No Book Available At This Time

Home Economics: No Book Available At This Time

We also use some websites thrown in there to add to the subjects topics.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Wow! Looks like you are going to have a great year. I wouldn't worry too much about being off course. Remember hon, it is homeschool, it is okay if we get side-tracked sometimes. You will get it together. Looks to me like you already have. Those are some great looking books.