Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Little Of This And A Little Of That

We are having a wild week already and it is only Tuesday!

My son's car broke down this morning which has set the tone for today : (

As many times as I have told him to have money set aside for car repairs he just never thinks about it happening and here we are and he only has $200.00 to his name and you know how car repair bills add up in a hurry....

On another note, I wanted to share with you a picture of our first dozen of eggs from our girls... the sad note is they decided to lay their eggs in our pump house so we added some hay to make it cozy for them which I guess they did not like and have now moved their laying to an undisclosed location. Kelly & I have been stalking the girls to see where they are going to try and find their new spot but so far no luck : (

I also wanted to share a cute picture of our man Riley snuggling in the blankets during the cold sanp we had been having, He is a Florida boy thru and thru and can't stand the cold...

Hope everyone has a wonderful day today!

Until Next Time - God Bless!!

1 comment:

flmom said...

I don't like the cold when we have it here either! Once it gets cold in our house, it takes forever to get back to a normal temp no matter how many warm days we have. I guess I shouldn't complain though as I've overheard many people say they're running their a/c. I always get a thrill out of how low I can get our electric bill. :)

I have toyed with the idea of getting chickens. We stopped eating organic eggs (purchased at a local natural foods market) due to soy in the feed. An acquaintance of mine has chickens and found an organic feed for them that doesn't contain soy, but she gives them other scraps as well that have questionable ingredients (stuff I'm not comfortable with) so I have never gotten eggs from her. One of the big things holding is the fact that we have so many snakes where I live (my acquaintance doesn't have this problem as she is not in a rural area like me). I hugely, hugely, hugely dislike snakes (that's putting it mildly).

BTW - You asked for the recipe for the veggie soup my spouse makes. Sadly, there is no recipe. He is very much a throw it all together kind of cook. He changes what he adds from time to time. We freeze leftover corn, green beans (although there were none in the last batch), and beans ... when there is a good amount, he uses that plus lentils, peas, other beans, and whatever (sometimes pasta for example) to make a big slow cooker batch of soup. I know he uses organic tomato juice, but have no clue about seasonings, etc. Sorry I couldn't be more help on that one.