Sunday, June 24, 2012

Last Sunday in June

We ran into a couple of rough patches this past week and also some highlights. A few examples were my husbands jeep broke down and my neighbors horses got loose. On the upside we were able to still repair the jeep so we are back to a two car family again - Whooo Hooo! Another positive I need to tell you about is I finished the book "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed. At one point I even updated my blog saying I had to put the book down because it was so sad and hit so close to home having a Mom who suffered with emphysema and seeing her deterioration before her passing made me just tear up with each sentence in the book. I told Kelly about it and she said "Why don't you just skip that part and go on". DUH! So I did and Oh My Gosh!! I am so glad I did, I loved this book it was sooooo Good! I felt drawn to this book for some reason and now I know why, I could relate to ALOT of the book especially towards the end of the book where the the gal retells what her mom told her near the end of her life that she "never got to be in the driver's seat of her own life", that "I always did what someone else wanted me to do", and "I've always been someone's daughter or mother or wife", "I've never just been me"! Good God that is me to a tee!! That is exactly how I have been feeling lately and it was kinda shocking to read my same thoughts in the book.... Anyway, GREAT book if you get a chance read it : )


Fatcat said...

I might have to look it up, though my Dad died of emphysema/COPD too so it might be a little too emotional still.

Jennifer said...

I hope you are able to "be you" soon! That's so great that you found a book that mirrors your thoughts and feelings. Awesome!