I would like to ask my blogging buddies if you could add us to your good thoughts & prayers list, I would appreciate it!
Last night Kelly found a bump/lump on her neck, it just popped up out of no where. It has me worried because you can see it when she turns her head, its not very large but still.... I have been on the phone with medicaid all day today trying to nail down that Kelly is covered so we can go to the doctors to get it checked out. I got such a run around each company saying one thing and then getting another answer from another. I am just going to start calling doctors around here tomorrow to see if I can find one that will take her medicaid card... Please keep Kelly in your thoughts please, It has her really worried : (
Sending good thoughts your way. Hope you can get to a doctor tomorrow to get it checked out.
Sending prayers your way. Please let us know as soon as you find something out.
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