Friday, November 2, 2007

Are we ever going to get back to school work??????

Each day this week it seems like something has come up and school work has gone out the window.....
I had such high hopes this week to "Review" the things we had learned to make sure Kelly has a handle on those things before we move on. WELL, I think we have covered maybe one lesson and since then one thing after another has come up.
I am a dog breeder and two fo my girls delivered their puppies which is always a whirl wind of activity (One night we were up till after 2:00am). Kelly is such a big help during the deliveries, I really couldn't do it with out her. Then we have been running to the vet's office yesterday and AGAIN today to have the puppies tails cropped & dew claws removed so there goes school work for today : (
I know she is actually learning alot about breeding ect. and with her LOVE of animals this kinda stuff may come in handy for her down the road.
But I keep asking, "When are we getting back to school work"!
I hope thngs settle down for next week and we can dig back in and start in again. I think I am going to toss the "Review" idea out the window and get going on new stuff - We have spent just to much time slow poking along here!

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