Thursday, November 8, 2007

Where has the week gone....

I can't belive we are already heading for another weekend - the days go by so fast.
It's funny how I carry on about what Kelly is or isn't learning, and stress to no end that we aren't covering everything she needs to know, Then my son comes home from public school where he is a senior in 12th grade and tells me about the work they have been doing in one of his classes..... watching movies, Beauty and the Beast, The Adams Family ect. this has gone on for most of this marking period. His teacher in that class through out the whole marking period has not been well, he actually was so bad the one day the kids helped him to his car where the priciple drove the man home. During his days off they have a sub who is 23 years old and knows nothing about the topic they are supposta be learning about. She has actually said to the class as long as they do not cause any trouble and stay quiet they will get a good grade! Yikes!
Anyway, My mission this weekend is to get some kind of vision of the path we are going to take and try and get papers printed out and books together so I am not always scrabbling around trying to get it all together.... I really think alot of our problem is her past public school learning was from textbook/workbook style and so was mine - It has been very hard I think for both of us to let go of that and move towards this narration/notebooking type learning, but I know we can do it : )

1 comment:

Sherri said... sad about that class. I'm sure the kids love it, but what a pitiful use of school time!!