Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Passing of a treasured friend...

Kelly wasn't feeling well yesterday so we took the day off - That was fine with me, my mind seems to be in a million places right now anyway.
Our cat did pass away on Sunday morning, I was crying and carring on - The kids are like but mom she is in a better place now and not in any pain. I am just always shocked at how finale death is, one minute you are here and the next you are not. Very early Sunday morning maybe around 3:00am. I heard Mickey meowing at my son's bedroon door (She had been spending most of her time in there so the dogs would not pest her), I heard her but thought nothing of it - I think it was her saying good bye to me. When I went in to check on her about 8am. she had already passed. She passed away with a cross stich under her that I had made for my son when he was a baby with his name on it, How she got a hold of it I do not know..... maybe she was saying thank you to him for taking care of her in her finale days.
Okay I know you must be thinking - Gosh she is NUTS!!!!!


Anonymous said...

You are not nuts and I know that it was her way of saying thanks!!
Many hugs to you and your family on the loss of your loved one.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.

The Old Gray Mare said...

So sorry to read that you lost your kitty. I know how much that hurts.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Sherri said...

No..not at all!!! Our little Yorkie is part of our family. It will devestate us to lose her! I love her!

Anonymous said...

You are not nuts. Pets are special.

We recently lost both our 4 year old kitty and a 4 month old kitten (to fill the empty space) to traffic within weeks of each other. Heartbreaking.

Sending hugs! :o)

Freakmom said...

I am so sorry about your loss. Pets are family. It hurts when they pass. ((((hugs))))