Friday, October 24, 2008

Wrapping Up The Week....

The visit from the ferrier was not so good : (
Roper still has an infection in his hoof. He is walking fine and I thought we had gotten it all healed up so it sure was a surprize when I saw the puss coming out when he squeezed the hoof! My poor boy! He packed it AGAIN and taped it up, to be honest it is going to be really hard for me to get this infection under control, it rained again yesterday and the horse pen just gets so much standing water in it that there is no way I can keep their hooves dry....

I did make it to the library yesterday (My husband had off again from work so he took me). I picked up most of the books I was looking for except their copy of "Thanksgiving on Thursday" they said someone must have walked off with it.... : ( We really enjoy the Magic Tree House books, I know they are a very easy reader and Kelly is in "7th" grade but with her learning problem I figure as long as she is reading something. We are going to add a Thanksgiving unit study to our school week. Over at "Shades Of Pink" she mentiones using the Amanda Bennett Unit Studies, I was thinking of buying that but with things so tight I figure I will use the one listed on Cindy Downes site Or I also found this Thanksgiving Lapbook: While I was at the library I picked up a really nice Art book "The Usborne Book Of Art Ideas", I really want to start getting arts & crafts and nature study into the school week. I think it really will add that "something" we are missing. Now I just have to get some cash together to buy some art materials like tissue paper, chalk & oil pastels, some acrylic paints and brushes....

While I was at the library you should of seen the line to vote early - My gosh isn't the point of early voting so you don't have to stand in line.... I still haven't made up my mind yet who I am voting for so I guess I will be waiting in really long lines election day. Speaking of the economy, I am picking up my first order from Angel Food Ministries this afternoon. I will let you know how that works out. I bought two boxes they say that will feed a family for two weeks (they don't know my son). I have also been working on a "Price Book", I an trying to get the prices of each item I buy week to week from each of the stores I can shop at to really see where I get get the best bang for my buck.

Well I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!!!

1 comment:

Red said...

Another really great book to read, even though it is childish is Too Many Pumpkins. I still love this book.